
Meet the Traveler!

¡ Hola and Welcome! My name is Megan and I am a sophomore Spanish Education Major at Northern Kentucky University. I've spoken Spanish since I was 5, when I was enrolled in an immersion program where my classes were taught half in Spanish and half in English. Through this program, I gained many valuable skills and resources, but most importantly a love for the Spanish language. In 2019, I will spend three months in the beautiful Spanish city of Segovia studying abroad. I will be taking several classes including the Spanish civilization, culture, and art. I am using this blog mainly as a way to document my experiences throughout my program, as well as the tips and tricks you can only learn through experience. I have also previously traveled to Costa Rica for 10 days, as well as a 10 day trip around the southern half of Spain with the aforementioned Spanish Immersion class. The opportunity I was given by my parents to go on these trips sparked my desire to travel, and since then